Who should avoid microblading?
While microblading is great for most people, there are some people who are ineligible for microblading:
Those prone to keloids or post-inflammatory hypopigmentation. Unfortunately, since microblading punctures the skin as we add ink, we cannot work with clients with these conditions.
If you have a transmittable blood disease such as HIV or Hepatitis. Again, microblading artists cut the skin so it is our policy not to work with these conditions.
If you’ve had Juvederm or other fillers in that area. Depending on the timing, we recommend to get microblading first! Otherwise, check with your doctor. Many artists may request a note from your doctor first.
Patients undergoing chemotherapy. Although microblading is great for restoring eyebrows, we would require a doctor’s note in order to perform the procedure for anyone undergoing chemotherapy.
If you have any kind of skin condition on or near your eyebrows. This includes eczema, shingles, rashes, or anything else near eyebrows.